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- Blue Topaz Pendants, Pendants and Necklaces, Student’s Collection
Heart Shape Pendant in Synthetic Blue Topaz with Customized Chain
- $ 50.00
- Blue Topaz is said to soothe, heal, re-motivate, and bring the wearer strength, loyalty, beauty, protection, healing, weight loss, joy, generosity, abundance, wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge, good health, virtues of leadership, and love. Topaz is known as the “lover of gold,” as it is used to bring wealth and money. Topaz is a crystal of Truth and forgiving. It is a…
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- Blue Topaz Pendants, Pendants and Necklaces, Student’s Collection
Heart Shape Pendant in Synthetic Blue Topaz with Customized Chain
- $ 50.00
- Blue Topaz is said to soothe, heal, re-motivate, and bring the wearer strength, loyalty, beauty, protection, healing, weight loss, joy, generosity, abundance, wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge, good health, virtues of leadership, and love. Topaz is known as the “lover of gold,” as it is used to bring wealth and money. Topaz is a crystal of Truth and forgiving. It is a…
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- Blue Topaz Pendants, Pendants and Necklaces, Student’s Collection
Heart Shape Pendant in Synthetic Blue Topaz with Customized Chain
- $ 50.00
- Blue Topaz is said to soothe, heal, re-motivate, and bring the wearer strength, loyalty, beauty, protection, healing, weight loss, joy, generosity, abundance, wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge, good health, virtues of leadership, and love. Topaz is known as the “lover of gold,” as it is used to bring wealth and money. Topaz is a crystal of Truth and forgiving. It is a…
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Blue Topaz Pendants Necklace
During Antiquity, the Egyptians already wore it as an amulet. Suffice to say that blue topaz is the perfect stone to wear as a pendant. This jewel will accompany you everywhere, on all occasions. Azure sky blue, topaz always adds a colourful and refined touch to your necklace. We have a wide selection of blue topaz pendants in sterling silver 925. Available in a range of contemporary designs, they will dazzle you with their unique appeal.
The history of topaz
In the Egypt of the Pharaohs, topaz was the symbol of the God Ra, the Sun God, who gave life. Yellow topaz was very popular with the Greeks and Romans who associated it with the god Apollo, a being also solar.
The writings found around this stone are those of the Latin writer Pliny, who used the word “topazos” to designate a yellow stone which was found in an island bearing the same name. Today, this island bears the name of Zabargad or Île Saint-Jean.
The name “Topazos” was not reserved for the topaz gemstone we know today; at the time it was believed that all yellow gemstones were topaz and all topaz were yellow. With the development of science and gemmology, we now know that topaz exists in nature in different hues and colour saturations blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, red, pink and purple and even colourless.
In medieval times, several kings wore this rare and precious stone in jewellery. It was from the middle of the 19th century that topaz became much more popular and affordable, following the discovery of several deposits in Brazil.
In 19th-century Russia, an imperial topaz was found in the Ural Mountains, a pink-coloured gemstone named in honour of the Russian Tsar and reserved only for the royal family. It is the most coveted and expensive variety of topaz.
Symbolic associated with topaz
Topaz is a stone that has inspired several myths and beliefs: in India, topaz is considered a sacred stone, people believed that it ensured a long life for the wearer as a pendant above the heart. In Africa, it was used in healing rituals. In Europe, the Greeks believed that it gave them strength, the rebirth was thought to have a magical power, that of breaking spells.
Its different colours allow it to appropriate several symbols, nevertheless love, desire and carnal passion remain the common point. The Swiss Blue Topaz that we selected has a crystal-clear blue colour, exceptional shine and radiance. It is the most popular of the topazes, it inspires cheerfulness and softness. The colour of Swiss blue topaz symbolizes righteousness and virtue, hence its association with fidelity and spiritual development. It is also the jewel of the creatives, because it facilitates the concentration, revives the spirit, helps to achieve emotional balance and self-control and allows to better appreciate the beauty.
Topaz is the birthstone for the month of December, and the stone that celebrates the 4th and 19th wedding anniversary.
The scientific properties of topaz
Topaz is a mineral that forms frequently in acidic pegmatites and rhyolites. Colour variations are sometimes found in self-metamorphosed tin granites and in quartz veins. Under specific conditions, topaz crystallizes as a very pure aluminium silicate containing fluorine in the cavities. Following the bursting of granite massifs, topaz crystals found their way into rivers and due to their hardness, they can be found in river sedimentations.
Topaz is a rhombic mineral (= which has the shape of a diamond) with the chemical formula Al 2 { Si O 4 ( F , O H ) 2 }. It forms perfectly delimited crystals. Topaz comes in a wide variety of cylindrical shapes to varying degrees and with grooves extending lengthwise. The hardness of topaz is high (8 on the Mohs scale). The stone has a conchoidal and uneven fracture, its luster is glassy, and its stripe is white. Topaz is transparent or translucent. It dissolves slowly in hot sulfuric acid and when exposed to high heat, it becomes cloudy. It fractures easily, which differentiates it from quartz or beryl. And it is this quality that makes it a nightmare for gem cutters, as many natural topaz crystals contain small cracks that make it easier to fracture. Such stones cannot then be cut.
Why is topaz blue?
In fact, blue topaz is very rare in its natural state, colourless, yellow, orange or pale blue topazes are those that are found in large quantities in nature. It is the heat treatment that produces the popular beautiful shades of blue topaz.
Most topazes grow as crystals in veins and voids in rocks. Their yellow, brown or pale blue colour is caused by imperfections in their crystal structure, while the colours of pink, red and purple topazes are obtained due to the presence of chromium.
Blue topaz is commercially available in three distinct shades:
- London Blue “London Blue”: It is a dark blue, sometimes greyish with green reflections.
- Swiss Blue “Swiss Blue”: it is a fresh and electric light blue
- Sky Blue: This is a very light blue, similar to aquamarine.
Swiss Blue Topaz is a beautiful blue stone that offers an attractive and more affordable alternative to aquamarine.
How to take care of my topaz
Topaz is one of those gemstones that retain their beautiful appearance even with minimal maintenance. Despite this, keep in mind that they lose their colour when exposed to too high temperatures. Suddenly, it is not so much light that it must be protected, but more heat in general. Therefore, we recommend that you store them in a cooler room or at least away from heat sources such as radiators.
It is important to emphasize again that beyond its hardness, topaz breaks quite easily. Therefore, avoid any hazardous handling.
Records and interesting facts
Most of the topazes of extraordinary proportions come from Brazil, especially from mines in the state of Minas Gerais. The largest raw topaz found there weighed 271 kg.
The largest cut topaz is called El Dorado and it is even considered the largest polished gemstone the world has ever known. In its raw state, it weighed 37 kg. After being cut in emerald cut, it weighed 6.2 kg (31,000 carats). It has a golden yellow colour and was named after the famous city of gold. The second largest cut topaz in the world is known as American Golden. Before being pruned, it weighed 11.8 kg. After being cut and polished, a process that took two years, it weighed a final weight of 4.6 kg (23,000 carats).
Like other gemstones, topaz is also found encrusted in the jewellery of royal families. For example, Barganza topaz was placed on the Portuguese royal crown. It is a clear topaz, so for a long time it was believed to be a diamond. It was found in 1740 in Ouro Prêto in Brazil. And some 500 topazes also adorn the English royal crown.